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HIRVITALO TI-KE 18.-19.10. : Alternative Currency Clinic

Lähetetty: 18 Loka 2010, 13:52
Kirjoittaja Mikkoli
Tämä vaihtoehtoisia rahoitusmenetelmiä ja talouksia käsittelevä luento- ja työpajatapahtuma
toimii klinikkana, jossa pyritään ratkomaan omaehtoisten kulttuuritoimijoiden ja aktivistien
rahoitukseen ja talouden "huonoon terveydentilaan" liittyviä ongelmia.

Tapahtuman vetäjänä toimii Andrew Gryf Paterson (Pixelache) yhdessä Hirvitalon kanssa ja se on
jatkoa Pixelache 2009 -tapahtumassa järjestetylle Alternative Economy Cultures -ohjelmalle.

Kaksipäiväisen klinikan ensimmäisenä päivänä tutustumme erilaisiin tapoihin tarkastella
vaihtoehtoistalouden "terveydentilaa" ja pyrimme ratkomaan yhdessä omiin projekteihimme tai
henkilökohtaiseen talouteen liittyviä ongelmia vertais- ja itselääkityksen hengessä.

Tapahtuman toisena päivänä esitämme yhdessä käsittelemiimme talousongelmiin mahdollisen

Tapahtuma on ilmainen, mutta osana työpajaa esitämme mietittäväksi osallistumismaksua
Hirvitalolle/Anrewille, jonka muoto, sisältö ja totauttamistapa pyritään päättämään ensimmäisen
päivän lopuksi.

Jos olet kiinnostunut osallistumaan klinikkaan, yhteyttä:

Tapahtuman ohjelma:
**Ti 19.10 klo 13-18**

Introduction of ambition for the 2 days explaining issues, diagnose from 'symptoms', prescribe some
approaches/'prescriptions' (15mins)

Andrew showing examples/approaches with awareness of currency-exchange (1.5hr)

Long tea & biscuit break where people reflect on what they wish to focus on (45mins)

Round-circle with quick collective sharing of issue/symptoms, recognising different fields of
capital: human, social, financial, cultural, institutional, natural (15mins)

Discussion of each examples in detail. Depending upon numbers, break into groups according to
'field symptoms': maybe with Finnish & English language discussion.

**Ke 20.10 klo 13-16**

Return for participant's presentations of 'self-prescriptions' for each example brought to the

Group discussion and what to do next

Alternative Currency Clinic / Valuutalle vaihtoehtoja -klinikka

This presentation and workshop event on alternative economy and funding strategies operates similar
a clinic to try to fix funding problems and 'ill-health' within the cultural and activist scenes.

The workshop is led by Andrew Gryf Paterson (Pixelache) in coooperation with Hirvitalo, and is a
follow on event inspired by the Alternative Economy Cultures programme during Pixelache 2009.

After learning about different alternative economic health approaches, we will then aim to
collectively and individually identify anddiagnose possible issues based on difficult personal
funding symptoms. Supporting ideas of currency-exchange including other wealths, we aim towards
self-prescription of new methods and approaches.

Participation involves one whole afternoon, overnight thoughts and development. On the second
afternoon, you will present your self-prescription. A participation fee/gift towards
Hirvitalo/Andrew should also be confirmed by end of first day.

Express attendance to:


Andrew Gryf Paterson (b. 1974) is a Scottish artist-organiser, educator, cultural producer, and
independent researcher, based in Helsinki, Finland. His work involves variable roles of initiator,
participant, author and curator, according to different collaborative and cross-disciplinary
processes. Andrew works across the fields of media/ network/ environmental art and activism,
pursuing a participatory practice through workshops, performative events, and storytelling. From
2011, he will coordinate the 'Pixelversity' education programme for Pixelache. ... -cultures/


**Ti 19.10 klo 13-18**

Introduction of ambition for the 2 days explaining issues, diagnose from 'symptoms', prescribe some
approaches/'prescriptions' (15mins)

Andrew showing examples/approaches with awareness of currency-exchange (1.5hr)

Long tea & biscuit break where people reflect on what they wish to focus on (45mins)

Round-circle with quick collective sharing of issue/symptoms, recognising different fields of
capital: human, social, financial, cultural, institutional, natural (15mins)

Discussion of each examples in detail. Depending upon numbers, break into groups according to
'field symptoms': maybe with Finnish & English language discussion.

**Ke 20.10 klo 13-16**

Return for participant's presentations of 'self-prescriptions' for each example brought to the

Group discussion and what to do next