Hirvitalo - Center of Contemporary Art Pispala : book coming up (material wanted)
The history of Hirvitalo – Center of Contemporary Art Pispala is being written as a book.
The book does not deal with only Hirvitalo – Center of Contemporary Art Pispala, but also deals with the history of the old building in Hirvikatu 10 (formerly Hirvitie 248) and, more generally, the historical Tahmela from perspectives of cultural history, inhabitant history and building history. The book focuses the history of Center of Contemporary Art Pispala and its activity from different points of view.
If you like, you can take part in writing process for example with your article, story or statement-kind of a text and send it by email to: mikko.m.nurmi@gmail.com.
Photos and pictures (especially olds pictures) to the book would also be greatly appreciated.
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